We believe that everyone has something to offer and a role to play in the work of the church. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities and ministry teams where you can use your gifts and talents to make a difference.
If you are interested in joining a ministry, please contact the Parish Office for more details or attend the group's next meeting. Volunteer opportunities are always available.
The joy and love that each Altar Server brings to the Celebration of the Mass is certainly a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing because we know how much Jesus loves us when we serve one another, even in small ways. He loves children and He loves prayer. “Let the children come to Me.” “Pray always.” Jesus loves it when a young child grows in faith, responsibility, friendship and virtue. Jesus loves it when we do something for Him with love. Won’t you consider joining us at Blessed Sacrament as an Altar Server? We need you. It is for the love of Jesus.
Everyone is invited to attend our weekly Bible sessions! You don't need to be a scholar to join. Rather you have questions or just want to meet others, or you just want to check it out. No commitment or fee required. Come learn more about your faith!
Classes are on Thursdays from 10:45 AM to noon. Meet in Classroom 1 of the Parish Center after Mass and Adoration.
Ministers visit those who are unable to attend Mass due to illness, injury or other circumstances. They bring comfort and support to those who are unwell.
The goal of the Council of Catholic Women is to unite Catholic women in the parish. The CCW works to support, empower and educate women in their spirituality, leadership and service.
Blessed Sacrament's CCW puts on an annual Garage Sale, Holiday Blessings Boutique, Easter Egg Hunt and more. All women of the parish are invited to CCW meeting and events.
Next meeting: Wednesday, February 19th. Rosary at 6:00 PM. Social at 6:30 PM. Meeting at 7:00 PM.
Our Environment Commitee is always hard at work to keep our church looking beautiful. From changing the banners to setting up for Christmas Mass to arranging a space for Holy Thursday Adoration. It takes a lot of hands-on action for everything to come together.
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion performs a great service by distributing Holy Communion on those occasions where there are an insufficient number of priests or deacons at a Mass. In addition, may be authorized to bring the Eucharist to the homebound (additional training is required).
Family Apostolate recognizes the importance of Christian formation in a family. In doing so youth are able to have a quality faith formation and close relationship with Jesus.
"To save (souls) God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart... I shall come to ask for the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays of the month." - The Message of Fatima
At Blessed Sacrament we have been having a regular and ongoing First Saturday Devotion with Mass at 9:00 AM, Rosary, Sacramental Confession and a potluck breakfast in the hall next door with a Guest Speaker. All are welcome to join!
Proclaiming the Word of God in the Mass is a privilege and responsibility. It requires formation and preparation. You may be surprised to know that just being able to read aloud is not enough to answer this call. There is a technique to reading the Word of God, and more than just learning how to pronounce all those hard and interesting biblical names.
If you are interested in becoming a lector, please speak with the Parish Office or with Father.
The Knights of Columbus are "Catholic men who lead, serve, protect, and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors, and role models to put charity and community first."
The Knights of Columbus help and participate with many events at our parish such as Food Drives, Blood Drives, Bingo nights, poster contests with the school and more.
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 4th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center.
"The primary role of music in the Liturgy is to help the members of the gathered assembly to join themselves in the action of Christ and to give voice to the gift of faith." (Sing to the Lord; Music in Divine Worship, USCCB November 14, 2007). Please contact the office if you are interested in sharing your musical gift with others. "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music." (Psalm 98:4)
"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25: 40)
The Prison Ministry "provides Mass, Bible Study, counseling and administration of the Sacraments for inmate in public institutions."
A new opportunity: Volunteers can also help by providing counseling to inmates who are nearing their release date. This counseling would help inmates make sound decisions on housing, getting a job, transportation and more. Volunteers will be trained prior to their service and counseling would happen over video chat.
Each second Tuesday of the month Blessed Sacrament parishioners help serve meals at the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen in downtown Salt Lake City. Volunteers help provide a hot meal at lunch time to the homeless and the hungry in our community.
If you are interested in helping at the Soup Kitchen, please contact the Parish Office.
Our next time at the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen will be on Tuesday, February 11th. We will be serving meals from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Ushers are the first parishioners encountered as people enter into the church. They help create a warm and friendly atmosphere as they greet all who attend Suday Masses. They help visitors and newcomers with the parish's procedures for Mass or how they can participate in parish life.
Ushers are seen helping with the collection, maintaining an orderly line for Communion, distributing the bulletin following Mass and more.
"The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few. Pray, therefore, the Lord of the harvest to send our laborers to gather in his harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38 and Luke 10: 2)
The Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City is inviting every young man and woman to answer to these words of Jesus. There is much to be done but there are only few who answered. Pray for many workers in the Church... or better yet, be the holy worker you are praying for.
"Send O Lord, Holy Apostles into your Church. - St. Hannibal, pray for us."
Men and women are welcome to join the Young Adult Group on the second Monday of each month in the Youth Center. With a focus on service, spirituality and social these young adults are able to grow in their faith and bond with other Catholics in their peer group.
Next meeting: TBA
All teens in 6th to 12th grade are invited to join the Youth Group!
Youth Group provides a space for teens to grow in their faith, connect with other Catholic teens in the parish and participate in service project such as the annual Gift of the Drummer Project.
Events are once a month, and all teens are invited to come! Teens are also welcome to participate in our monthly Youth Mass on the third Sunday of each month.
Next event: TBA